16 Dec The Bees in Dubai…

The Bees flew off to Dubai for Morison KSI International Conference which gathered for the occasion, last November 11th to 14th, more than 200 chartered accountants and lawyers all over the world !
Morison KSI is an international association of leading professional service firms, established in 82 countries. Thanks to the 153 qualified, dynamic and cosmopolitan firms of this network – of which the Bees are active members, entrepreneurs based abroad or willing to move abroad may be relevantly and efficiently supported with the development of their projects at the other end of the world.
It is within this context that Claire Le Meur, founder of Blue Bees, was invited to present this assembly of attentive experts the art and manner to turn communication – this weird thing often considered as an ugly fund consuming pest – into a powerful weapon…
Best example of proof was Fifty Bees case to base the demonstration on, since less that six months ago, Fifty Bees was still named…Cofagest !
After having fully redesigned their image and communication, based on a ambitious and innovative strategy, the Bees start 2020 in great shape, with a new unique image and awesome development prospects.
(Photos by Khris Houin)