The most important thing in communication is to hear what is not being said.”

PETER DRUCKER, American marketing theorist.

Blue Print

Blue Print

You want to talk about your company but how to communicate? And what should you say?

Because communication includes many things…
Communicating means multiplying the OTS (opportunities to see) and OTH (opportunities to hear) of your brand.
Communicating means knowing what you want to say, to whom you want to say it, how you want to say it, why you want to say it, when you want to say it and where you want to say it…
Quite a vast program!
So any communication action starts with a questioning, without forgetting that communicating is as important internally as externally: never forget that your employees are your first clients…

• As far as internal communication is concerned i.e. within your company – here are two questions to ask yourself in order to get started:

    • What message do I need to get across?

    • What tools and resources do I have at my fingertips?

• On the external communication side, it’s about the image you want to give to your company, the messages you want to send to your clients and prospects:

    • What are your goals?

    • Who are you talking to?

    • How can you be different?

    • What skills do you need?

    • Do you have internal resources?

    • What is your budget to carry out your action?

    • How much available time do you have for the planned actions?

• On the events side, it is interesting to think about the corporate events you could imagine – for your employees and/or a targeted public:

    • What is the purpose of your event?

    • What venue could you use?

    • What is the expected return?

    • How many people are you planning to gather?

    • What original event could you imagine?

• In terms of virtual communication, there is also a lot of work to do…
>> Website:

    • Who is your website aimed at?

    • What are the objectives of your website?

    • What is your budget?

    • Who can you trust with the project?

    • How to reference your website?

>> Social Networks:

    • Which social network to choose for your communication?

    • What to publish? When to post? How to post?

    • How often?

Good news! To all these questions, we bring answers, after having discussed together about your projects.

Here are some examples of what can be done to create a beautiful communication:

• Internal communication:
Newsletter, emails, team building, participation in joint actions, workshops, etc.

• External communication:
Construction of a communication plan, change of visual identity, redesign of your graphic charter, creation and realization of window stickers or vehicle marking, creation and realization of print communication supports, participation in trade shows, advertising insertions, radio or TV commercials, sports sponsorship, cultural sponsorship, participation in sports and cultural events, creation and realization of goodies and derivative products, infographics, book dedicated to the history of your company, etc.

• Events:
Setting up original internal and external events, thematic conferences, organization of seminars, organization of cultural and sports events, etc.

• Virtual communication:
Creation or redesign of your website, blog, mailing and teasing campaign, webinars, videos, newsletter, publications on social networks, creation of a YouTube channel.

There is a lot to do and you have many ideas but where to start?